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Texas Martial Arts Academy 
of Dallas



This system incorporates techniques from 
Kenpo, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, and Kobudo.
Instructor:  Master Instructor Bonner


Like a bird attacks its prey, your moves must be quick and effective. 

The techniques in this system are to executed quick and with little effort.

A person must be able to defend themselves with as few techniques as possible and executed as quick as possible.  The reason the techniques in this system has fewer moves than other systems is that when a person learns so many moves to different techniques that their brains shut down and become confused in real combat. These techniques are practical and contain common sense defenses against a person.  I've worked with dangerous inmates, and you learn that every punch counts, and must be fast and effective.  Fancy moves can get you killed.

Not all students learning this system will be a "beginner". For those who have studied other systems/styles will benefit from this system.  It is just another tool to incorporate into your toolbox.  Like a mechanic, many tools bring many fixes. 

I do not incorporate a "rainbow" of colors in the system.  
A color belt is just a way of ranking knowledge.  
Four levels are used in this system.

Strikes and kicks will be explained as the technique is performed.

Yellow belt - beginner level - punch and kick defense  

Green belt - intermediate level - grab defense  

Purple belt - advanced level - ground defense 

Brown belt - senior level - weapons defense

Black belt - all previous techniques should be smooth and mistakes are minimal to none 

Remember that mistakes can cost you your life.

1st Black - Junior Instructor
2nd Black - Associate Instructor
3rd Black - Senior Instructor 
4th Black - Head Instructor
5th Black - Master Instructor